Tee Ball - League Age 4-5 Year Olds
Who is it for? Tee Ball is for our youngest players, boys and girls, baseball League Age 4-5. This is your child’s first introduction to organized baseball. Managers and Coaches provide age appropriate instruction in an encouraging and supportive setting, and receive league support and training to do so. Parents are encouraged to participate at the coach’s request.
What Skills are Taught? Managers and coaches begin to teach the rules of the game, including the names of the positions, base running and the notion of ‘outs’. Players learn throwing and catching basics and how to safely swing the bat. All players bat off a batting tee, through the lineup, every inning.
How is the Game Played? Games last approximately 4 innings or about one and a half hours and are played on Saturday. A lot of parent support and participation is needed. Defensive teams typically have two adults in the outfield and offensive teams need two base coaches and one tee helper to assist or coach the batter. All players play the field every inning. The league does not keep score or standings. Every player bats every inning.
1. LEAGUE CHOICE: Players league age seven (7) and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school enrollment eligibility requirements.
NOTE: Players registering under this option are fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.