Junior Division- League Age 13-15 Year Olds
Who is it for? League age 13, 14 and 15. Players league age 12, with at least one season of Intermediate may consider playing Juniors with a parent and board approval. In this Division, the emphasis is on preparing players for high school baseball and further sophisticated plays as a result of full baseball rules on a 90' diamond. For spring baseball, player assessments are conducted and a draft selection process forms the teams.
What Skills are taught? Greater emphasis on baseball’s complexities is taught. Communication between infielders and outfielders is consistent, effective, and results in improved defensive plays. Players are expected to make accurate, hard throws from second base, shortstop and third base to any other base. Experience at the lower Divisions has given players in the Juniors Division improved ability to judge the ball as it comes off the bat and react instinctively.
How is the Game Played? Junior Division exposes players to the full baseball experience 90 foot bases, lead offs, pick offs, stealing, balks, etc. The number of registered players determines the number of teams. One of the most exciting advantages of the Juniors division is that it offers players an opportunity to experience the full game of baseball with many of their friends from the local community while offering the structure of the Little League organization. Parent support is needed for field preparation, post-game field maintenance, as well as score keeping during the game. Two umpires will be provided for all league played games. League standings are kept to determine a regular season champion. In addition, players selected for the Junior All Star team will participate in the District 23 All Star Tournament. This team typically plays well into July. Players are responsible to bring their own gloves and athletic cleats. Athletic cups are required for all players playing catcher.